Hearing Aids for You
Hear.com’s team of experts is available to assist you if you've concluded that a hearing aid is the best option to assist you in your journey to better hearing. Browse our selection of modern hearing devices, discover our continually evolving technology, and locate the hearing aid that will assist you in reconnecting with the people and things you cherish. Fill out our quick questionnaire to contact a hearing expert.
How Hearing aids Work
Hearing aids are designed to receive sounds from the outside world, just like a healthy ear would do. They include microphones, which take sounds and convert them into vibrations and then into electrical impulses. However, at this stage, these signals are often too weak and need to be amplified before they can be converted into something wearers can actually hear. Amplifiers inside the hearing aid casing do the job, turning even very quiet noises into signals that can be turned into audible noise.
The final part of the hearing aid is the speaker, which takes these amplified signals and produces noise. The precise sound level can almost always be finely calibrated, depending on the environment and the wearer’s degree of hearing loss. Many hearing aids can also be calibrated to amplify high or low-frequency sounds, again, depending on the user’s needs.
How to Find the right hearing aid
Medical-grade hearing aids are the only safe solution for hearing loss. The majority of wearers report an improved overall quality of life with hearing aids. In fact, many of them wish they had started wearing hearing aids sooner. Hearing aids strengthen relationships with family, friends and co-workers because you’re able to understand and fully participate in conversations again. Many studies show that hearing well can reduce stress, increase energy, and boost your mental alertness.
With all the advancements in technology, there’s a wide variety of hearing aid models for different lifestyles and levels of hearing loss. But modern hearing aids have one life-changing thing in common — their unbelievably small size. Both in-the-ear and behind-the-ear devices are often the size of coffee beans. In terms of hearing aid technology, the latest devices are basically mini supercomputers that use advanced algorithms to process sounds and deliver crystal-clear sound. Finding the right hearing aid depends on a number of factors.