Our services

Our Services



• Detailed history of hearing and ear health

• Pure-tone audiometry

• Middle-ear function test

• Speech audiometry (depending on age and development)

• Detailed discussion of results

• Recommendation of appropriate follow-up and/or management (if required)

• Written report to referrer, parents and any other 3rd party requested, eg; school

• A medical referral is not required.


Adult Assessments:

• Detailed history of hearing and ear health

• Pure-tone audiometry

• Middle-ear function test

• Speech audiometry (in quiet and in noise if necessary)

• Detailed discussion of results tailored to your history and individual circumstance

• Recommendation of appropriate follow-up and/or management (if required)

• Written report back to your referrer, yourself and any other 3rd party requested

• A medical referral is not required.


Speciality Hearing Tests:

• Aviation

• Driving

• Police & Protective Services

• Industrial hearing screening

• Pre-employment hearing screening

We Offer You The Best Support